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[Exploit] Act5 In classic (Improved wp use instructions!)

Quote (AntiRush?):

There have been reports of characters getting converted to Lod using this exploit. I don't have any more specifics but you have been warned!

- Get a working
RedVex with the netstuff plugin
-Join a game with a classic character who has canyon of the magi waypoint

-".watch send add 13"
-click on the waypoint you wish to use (any waypoint works)
-record the last 4 bytes of the packet you send
13 02 00 00 00 E2 84 2F 64 

last four would be E2842F64
-".send 49[last 4 bytes]86000000"

-This will take you to the forgotten sands. Tp and boom! you're in act 5.
At this point you're able to teleport to the frigid highlands and get the socket quest and teleport just about anywhere else. Some quests you cannot complete such as the one where you receive runes, and some such as anya you cannot complete without some extra steps. I'm not sharing that information as there's no reason for classic players to have 30 extra resists.

Updated instructions on using waypoints

Since it seems my instructions weren't verbose enough (I agree they weren't as simple as the rest of this post) here's take two:

-To use a waypoint in act five first activate it (click on it). From that point on you can use that waypoint by sniffing the S13 packet from clicking on a waypoint and then using the same method used to get to the forgotten sands - that is:

.send 49[waypoint id][area id]

Forgotten Sands area id is 86 but since in the packet it's stored as a dword and we're working with little endian numbers we pad it to the left with 00 000 00. You do the same thing with other area ids which are listed below:

0x6D = Harrogath
0x6F = Frigid Highlands
0x70 = Arreat Plateau
0x71 = Crystalline Passage
0x73 = Glacial Trail
0x7B = Halls Of Pain
0x75 = Frozen Tundra
0x76 = The Ancient's Way
0x81 = Worldstone Keep Level 2

For everyone that cannot get it work you're missing a step somewhere.
You must:

-Have lod installed
-Have canyon of the magi waypoint
-Have killed diablo in the difficulty you are attempting
-Use the correct object id for the waypoint you are standing next to.

Don't have RedVex? Read below:
DOWNLOAD Harrogath.dll:
Act 5 On Classic DLL - Hotkeys for All Waypoints

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18 Sep 2007, 06:41
grrr, shut the f**k up. All of you, ok?

For the newbs, YOU TYPE .COMMAND TO ACTIVATE PLUGINS FOR REDVEX. YOU TYPE THEM IIINNNN THEEE GGAAAMMEEE. redvex, as it says in the description when you download it, is activated by sent CHAT, with a "." in front of the command.

"go in game, press enter to bring up chat box, press ., type command, press enter"

".watch send add 13" will not do anything in and of itself, it just lets the netstuff plugin know to WATCH that ADDress of information for anything being SENT thru it, I.E. clicking a waypoint, chest, npc, anything.

As far as this method, as it stands, it's sh*t, stop complaining cause it's not working. Stop telling us that it's disconnecting you, cause that's exactly what the patch did, made it so if you send the packet saying you got teleported, under normal circumstances, it sends a red flag and DC's you. Complaining about it is bogus and retarded when you read all the people telling you this.

The problem has been patched in a certain way not noticeable to you people, who are not watching EVERYTHING that happens when you communicate with the server. In other words, you can't do it without figuring a few things out YOURSELF.

If you are computer retarded (that's not a total bad thing), this is not possible for you and you should continue playing the way you always have.

If you are knowledgeable about packets, and what gets sent out when you do certain things, then you can probably figure this out and be doing baal runs in no time.

if you are having a problem that the plugins don't work at all, they don't show up on the main screen when you start redvex, name a new folder inside whatever folder redvex is in, "Plugins" and put the plugins(dll's), in there. pretty simple huh? restart redvex and it will start them up one by one, guarunteed cause a machine only does what you tell it, you just need to speak the language.

thank you, and move on with your life.


11 Sep 2007, 16:18
I keep getting disconnected as soon as I enter the ".send 49[bytes]86000000

why? anyone?
09 Sep 2007, 15:37
Every waypoint has a different code.

it has to be a hot IP game to get to uber duriel. every gaMe has a different IP, and the IP depends on the ending.
08 Sep 2007, 09:29
this helped me out alot, maybe it will help you.

09 May 2007, 01:35
once all is downloaded, extract the redvex.exe and redvex.ini to your d2 folder. the netstuff.dll you put in the "Plugins" folder in your d2 directory, if you do not have one, make one. so like "C:\Program Files\Diablo II\Plugins" Load up redvex.exe and it should say the plugin is loaded. in redvex, go to edit realms. click add and a new server will come up. name it as you please, put address as "localhost" make sure the offset # is the same as the realm you want to be on. click apply after all set. go to edit options. choose your server from the drop down list. Idk if Window title is important, but i put Diablo II anyways. Go to proxy start, load up d2. you should now be able to choose the server you made in addition to asia, useast, uswest, europe at the start screen. connect with your proxy and join game with classic char with canyon wp like it says. type .watch send add 13 in the game. click a wp, copy last 4 bytes then type .send 49[bytes]86000000 with space between send and 49 and you should tele to sands like it says. i was having trouble in rogue encampment wp, but it worked when i did the bytes from clicking the wp in stony field. idk. make tp to get to harrogath. idk how the a5 wp thing works maybe someone else does. Long. sorry
m d
07 Sep 2007, 04:19
I'm completely illiterate with revex and its starting to piss me off. i have a working verson of redvex and i have the plugin set right now the only part i cant figure out is ".watch add send 13" and ".send 49[last 4 bytes]86000000", i have not the slightest idea wut that means or wut i do at this point, if any help givin plz keep in mind im retarted about these programs and would need some dummy version help.....plz save me i just wanna go into a5
06 Sep 2007, 10:27
does this even work anymore? i see people saying it still works, and people saying it doesnt work. anyways.... im just getting a connection interrupted message everytime i am done typing in the .send 49[]86000000, is there another way to get to act5? or is this the only way?

30 Aug 2007, 13:07
hey , im havin the same probs as most connection clueless i was deperate enough to convert my lvl 80 to get every wp in act 5 and still didnt work.. can some one slide some info PLZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!
28 Aug 2007, 07:24
Okay well im no novice at this really, but my redvex stopped working after ladder rolled now when i set my proxy setting and everything it logs in and i type my pass and what not, and it goes to the char screen where it says connecting, this normally lasts like 1-2 seconds but it just sits there and then i get a error that says something about a firewall and port 6112. all my settings were the same as last ladder so whats the deal anyone know?

26 Aug 2007, 02:27
s i f**ked up man everytime i do this thing i end up getting and interrupted connection wut is wrong here!!!!

if some1 knows how i can bypass this stupid thing tell me plz.

send me an email at:


19 Aug 2007, 08:52
hey folks,

im just wondering, did blizz fix that "common" bug now or not....

because when i look at the europe classic ladder and see people lvl from 72 to 92 within 1 night... or have lvl 96 gain 11 mills in 6 hours... as if it were nothin then im kinda superprised that i dont level that fast lol... and i know the drills^^

thanks in advance

17 Aug 2007, 17:37
I downloaded redvex and pluggins but i cant get pluggins to work wth redvex can some1 send me email how to do. I also need a step by step way to get to act5 plz.

ps:im not that good on comps so if u do help me i need a dummies guide lol.

ty alot

17 Aug 2007, 17:34
I downloaded redvex and pluggins but i cant get pluggins to work wth redvex can some1 send me email how to do. I also need a step by step way to get to act5 plz.

ps:im not that good on comps so if u do help me i need a dummies guide lol.

ty alot
16 Aug 2007, 11:11
ok, you lost me i don't have a clue what xpac is, can you explain?
14 Aug 2007, 16:41
This doesn't work anymore unless your on xpac.
12 Aug 2007, 12:50
ok i had this working b4, and now suddenly i get "your connection has been interrupted" is this fix-able? if so please tell me how
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